1. we need to create Model according to database table name (for if database table name "Students" then mode…
Note: To make our table responsive we use " <div style="overflow-x:auto;"> " code <div s…
Step 1: Create a route Navigate routes/web.php then put the following code below: Route :: group ( [ 'middlewar…
1) First u need to create table like this ( php artisan make:migration create employees_table ) public function up() …
public function store ( Request $request ) { // this code for validation // this code for cr…
public function store ( Request $request ) { // this code for validation $this -> validat…
1. Dowload the latest version xampp through the following link https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html 2. …
1) To create project in laravel we use these following cmd first we need to install composer and after in xamm/httdoc f…
1. Method No. 1 create Project (Composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel ProjectName Composer require la…
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