1) First u need to create table like this (php artisan make:migration create employees_table)
public function up()
Schema::create('_items', function (Blueprint $table) {
2) Make Model and Controller, Model name must same like database table (php artisan make:model AdminController -mcr)
3) Create function in controller to add the form data into database like this.
public function add(Request $request)
$item=new item;
return redirect('/show');
Note: Where "Item_Name" is database table attribute name and "iname " is form field name
4) Make funtion to show database value into html table
public function disp()
$data= item::all();
return view('/Resturant Menu.add',['mir'=>$data]);
return redirect('/show');
Note:"mir" is key we can use as your wish and item is table name of database
4) Make Route
5) Use the key in table field to show the database table value into html table
@foreach ($item as $items)
<th scope="row">{{$items['id']}}</th>