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Mayor Rajesh Man Singh
Birgunj Municipality
[Birgunj Address]

Subject: Proposal for Adoption and Payment of Codent Academy Software in Birgunj Municipality Schools

Dear Mayor Rajesh Man Singh,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing on behalf of Codent Academy Software, a cutting-edge educational management software solution that has been successfully implemented in Trijuddha Mahavir Prasad Raghuvir Ram Secondary School and Shree Tribhuwan Hanuman Secondary School in Birgunj.

Our software has revolutionized the management systems of these schools, providing an integrated platform for various administrative tasks. I am writing to highlight some of the key features of Codent Academy Software that have proven to be indispensable for educational institutions:

1. **Student Management**: Efficiently manage student profiles, enrollment, and academic records.
2. **Teacher Management**: Streamline teacher assignments, schedules, and performance evaluations.
3. **Attendance Management**: Simplify attendance tracking and reporting for both students and staff.
4. **Payroll Management**: Automate salary calculations and disbursements for faculty and staff members.
5. **Library Management**: Organize library resources, circulation, and inventory management.
6. **Hostel and Transport Management**: Coordinate hostel accommodations and transportation logistics for students.
7. **Exam and Result Management**: Facilitate exam scheduling, grading, and result publication.
8. **Notice Management**: Disseminate important announcements and updates to students, parents, and staff members effectively.

These features, among others, have significantly enhanced the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the aforementioned schools. We firmly believe that extending the usage of Codent Academy Software to more governmental schools within Birgunj Municipality can yield similar benefits.

In light of this, we kindly request the Birgunj Municipality to consider entering into an agreement with us for the adoption and payment of Codent Academy Software in additional governmental schools under your jurisdiction. We are confident that this investment will yield substantial returns in terms of improved educational outcomes, streamlined administrative processes, and overall institutional effectiveness.

We would be more than happy to provide a demonstration of our software and discuss the terms of the agreement in further detail at your earliest convenience. Your support and cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated, and we look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of education in Birgunj Municipality.

Thank you for considering our proposal. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
Codent Academy Software