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Git Hup Tutorials

 1) Git Bash cmd

-> pwd ( present working directory it is used to check the file directory)

->ls (To see the all list file )

-> cd Desktop (to change your directory)

-> cd /C (to go in c drive)

2) User Config in Git

-> git config --global "Mir Husen"

-> git config --global ""

->git config --list (to see your email id and password is configured or not)
->git config (to see your name if you are config)
-> git config (to see your email if  you are config )

Important Cmd for Git Hub

1. git status (to check it is a git repo or not)
2. git init  (to make it repository if it is not  or it used to initialize after run this cmd the folder is tracked                                    by                   git )
3. git add --a (to add all the file for staging area)
4. git status (This time we used this to check your file is in staging area or not)
5. git commit -m "comment is here"  (This is used to commit our repo and comment in it to know the                                                                      changes)
6. git status (To see everything is working fine or not or it commited or not)
7. git log (To see the person name who is commited with their email,  name and comment) Now if i am going to change any thing here then it captured all the changes to see this run this cmd

8. git status (This time it is used to check any changes or not)

Note : If you want to make a single file in staging area from more than one then follow this cmd

9. git add "filename.extension" (file name  write with quote)

10. rm -rf .git (This is used to delete your git  repo or all setting and git folder or it is erase every git file)

How to pull git repo from internet to your local PC

1. git clone link of the repo 
 git clone

2. git clone  name (name means if your to change this file name or folder name )

3. Q (to stop some large file running)

PS D:\Current Activity\New Money Transfer> git remote rm origin
PS D:\Current Activity\New Money Transfer> git remote add origin

note : git remote rm origin is used to remote the existing git repo
and git remote add origin is used to add the new repo
to make new branch and to swtich at once
git checkout -b mir-dev 

to make new branch 
git branch branch_name

to switch into another branch
git switch branchname

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